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Sunday, August 18, 2013

"Well Planned Day Planner" review

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from HEDUA (home educating family association) 
for review.

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ISBN: 978-0-9850498-1-2
236 pages with 2 page monthly layout
2013 - 2014
Spiral bound 8.5 x 11

In my review, I chose to post lots of pictures.  When looking for a homeschool planner, seeing what you are getting is very important to determine whether it will fit your family's homeschooling needs.

What Is This? & How did I use it? -

This is a spiral bound 2013 - 2014 school year planner.  Full color 236 pages.

Each month has an encouraging article to read.  The picture below is a lists of the article for each month. 

ISBN: 978-0-9850498-1-2Each month has an encouraging article to read.  The picture below shows the titles for these articles.
ISBN: 978-0-9850498-1-2

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This pic to the right is the article for October called 'Book Gluttony'.

Each month contains a beautiful, colorful, 2 page layout for easy documentation or activities that need to be added to your calendar.

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There is a spot to the right of every month for writing 'notes'.  I use this area for things that are not set on the calendar yet but things that are to be scheduled or I need 'to do'.

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The lesson plans are shown in the picture above.  There is a section for Bible, Math, History, Science, English and then 2 blank areas for you to fill in.  There are 4 lines in each subject for writing.  I split these into 2 lines for each of my 2 boys.  The "D" is for my older son, and the "B" is for my younger son.  In the past, I have always kept their lesson plans separate, but this year I am putting them together.  I think this will be easier to keep track of who is doing what and save me time looking through 2 different set of plans.

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Here is a closer view of how the lesson plans are set up.  I added in Spanish II for my oldest son as shown in the picture above.

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In this above picture, there is a place to write a 'student schedule'.  The times start at 7:00am and goes through the day until 6:30pm, then an evening slot.

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In the picture above, you can see that the months are well labelled and have indented tabs for easy page turning.

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There is also a section for 'Household Duties' & 'Household Finances' as seen here.

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There are a few report cards (seen above) in the back of the book as well.  They are very colorful and easy access.

Below there are some pages that are for any 'note' you may have to jot down.  This will be a great place to write something that the boys may need to work on during the school year or maybe something to review closer to the end of the school year.

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What I Thought -

I have to honestly say, I have had my eyes on this planner for a few years now.  I have always made my own planner pages and placed them in a three ring binder.  So when I had the chance to review this, I was so excited!  

What can I say?  This planner is awesome!  It has lots of room to write notes and things that I would probably lose in my three ring binder.  The calendar is nicely spread out over the two pages which gives lots of room for writing in events.  

It has uplifting articles and things in here to inspire me throughout the schoolyear.  I also LOVE the colorful design and pages!  There is something about having a colorful and organized homeschool planner at your fingertips to just make your day!  This has everything to keep me well organized during my homeschool year.  It isn't bulky or flimsy.  It is just perfect for carrying in my homeschool bag with the books I need for a day out doing school.  Let's face it, as busy mom's we have this thing called 'life' that gets in the way of homeschooling at times.  Things like doctor's appointments, sports events, piano lessons, etc. get mixed into our day and we have to do school over the road occasionally.  So bringing the books is one thing that isn't too hard, but bringing the planner is not too easy..........until now.  It fits in my bag perfect and I can't wait to use it this fall with my children!

So if you are looking for a good planner to keep your homeschooling organized, I highly recommended the 'Well Planned Day Planner'!  

And here is my great news!  
I am having a giveaway right here on my blog!  All you have to do is enter!  
The time to enter is limited!  
I am just running this for 5 days 
- NOW through Friday, Aug. 23'rd @ midnight -  
So hurry up and find the entry on my blog to enter now!

I received this item for free in exchange for my honest review.  I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.  
All opinions are my own or those of my family.


  1. How do you enter? I really would love one!

  2. please enter me in the drawing..Mrs Swint..

  3. Your blog is as beautiful as the planner!! Glad I found you!!

    Please enter me in the giveaway!!!

    Thank you!!


  4. I have wanted one of these for awhile! Organization is not my strength! Would love to win one!!!


  5. So, I cannot seem to locate how to enter. Any ideas? I would love to get one of these for this school year. :)

  6. I want to enter too, but I'm also confused on what we are supposed to do!

  7. Thank you for the entry! I would love to have this planner!

  8. Please enter me as well, thank you! Living in rural Wyoming, we don't get to be exposed to a lot of the newest ideas/products available, so thank you for the review.

  9. I'd love to be entered! I've been drooling over these planners for a year but just can't quite spend the money on it. :( Pick me, pick me! ha ha


  10. Thank you for the chance to win this planner I have wanted one for a long time hoping I win and good luck to all Lisa

  11. I'd like to enter as well but not sure where to, thanks!

  12. I'm confused on where to enter as well :P

  13. I would like to be entered. Thank you! :)

  14. I would like to be entered - thanks!! Great review - it's on my wishlist just haven't convinced myself to buy it yet - but now I think I will! Unless I won of course :)

  15. Oh I would so love to win this. With everyone else though and not sure how you enter. Thanks for the giveaway!

  16. Please enter me as well. Thank you:)

  17. Please enter me. I really would like to get this planner.

  18. I'd love to win a copy of this planner - please enter me into the giveaway! Thanks!

  19. I would love this. Please enter me in the giveaway.

  20. I am a planner snob! I have not been able to find one that works for me yet and have created my own for years. I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to opportunity to use this planner this year for my schooling. THANKS :)

  21. Please enter me. Thank you, Loretta

  22. You need to enter by filling out the form on my next blog post. You will all enter your name, and answer a few questions. I cannot enter your name for you. Please go to the blog post.
