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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Homeschool through Christmas......FUN style!

Homeschooling over Christmas break can be stressful.  But not if you put your books away!  ;)  Make homeschooling FUN over Christmas break.

Our homeschooling schedule over Christmas break is as follows:
This week we are taking off Friday because our local church is doing something with the youth.  Next week we are taking off all week.  The following week I plan to take off Monday & Tuesday (Dec. 31'st & Jan. 1'st).  This doesn't mean that we will not be doing any schooling though.  The kids will be baking with me, hanging Christmas cards that we get in the mail, decorating, wrapping presents, checking in on elderly neighbors, etc. 

Also, my 14 yr. old loves to read.  So I plan to document what he reads over Christmas break!  Also any Christmas books that younger children can read would be great!

Are your children going to be watching any Christmas movies?  If they are educational, document them!  I would say, just about every Christmas (Christ based) movie would be educational.  If you have a Hallmark movie playing with a family theme, document it.  After the movie, just ask your children a few simple questions to make sure they learned something. :)

Kids learn things everyday whether it be in the traditional schooling style or not.  So take this opportunity to study your children to see what they enjoy and how they learn.  You may already know what type of learning style your children have (are), but maybe they need a break from the books this winter to enjoy a week long 'movie marathon'!  You could buy or rent the whole Little House on the Prairie series and learn about the mid to late 1800's and early 1900's.  And of course make some good old fashioned food to eat during the movie!

Make education fun!

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