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Monday, September 16, 2013

Mango Languages Review

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I have received Spanish - Journey's 1, 2 & 3 
from Mango Languages for review. 

Journey 1, 2 & 3 together are $176
Journey 1 & 2 are $132
Journey 1 is $79 

They offer 60 different languages.  
Here are a few:
German, Greek, Hebrew, Norwegian, Dutch, Russian, Latin, and Japanese.

What Is This? -

This is an online learning course for a new language.  The Mango Passport takes you through the language of your choice step by step to learn master it.  

They are sold in Journey's (aka courses).  After you purchase the Journey(s), you will download the program to your computer using windows.  If you want to just purchase the Journey 1, you can do so.  Or you can purchase Journey 1 & 2 or all three.  My high schooler is using this as his foreign language, we have downloaded all 3 Journey's.

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Once you have downloaded the program, you can start your 'Journey' at any time.  Each Journey has chapters to go through.  It has 'conversation goals' for you to achieve.  From ordering food at a restaurant to asking for directions, this program covers it all.  It teaches you step by step on how to communicate with others in the language you have chosen.  It's like having your own personal tutor and translator!  You may go over a previous lesson, learn at your own pace and take timed tests to check your accuracy. 

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In this picture above, it shows and says a word for you.  You repeat the word and then click your mouse in the little box on the screen.  It then plays the correct pronunciation of that word for you to see if you said it correctly.  When you have acheived that word, you click the pink arrow to the right to move to the next word.  It gradually has you repeating whole sentences.  It will ask you (in English) to say something and you have to translate it in Spanish.  This program challenges your critical thinking with it's timed sections.  Each lesson has a section that you must say the required word or sentence within a certain amount of time.  When you are finished, you click the box to see if you pronounced the sentence correctly.  Then press the arrow key for your next sentence. 

I must inform you though, at this time, there is no writing portion to this program.  But I did speak with the chief-of-staff at Mango Languages and he did inform me that they are working on extended a writing portion to the program. 

So, if you are planning a trip to another area where they speak another language, this is an excellent program!  If your high schooler needs a few foreign language credits, this is great.

To 'take a tour' or 'try it free', click HERE.

What I Thought -

I had my son use this for his high school foreign language credits.  Because it doesn't offer a written course at this time, I had my son have a pencil and paper handy during all his lessons to record the words in English and then had him write the Spanish word and meaning for all.  Even though it doesn't currently have a writing course, I still feel, as my son's home educator, that this program is worth the 2 full credit(s) that he is currently earning.  Last schoolyear my son finished Journey 1.  I gave him one full credit for last year.  This year, I am having him complete Journey's 2 & 3 for the other full credit.  That will complete his 2 credits in a foreign language for high school.   

As a homeschool parent, we are used to having to tweak a curricula to accommodate our needs for our children.  Tweaking this with the writing issue was not a big deal at all for me; we simply worked around it because it is a really good program. 

Another thing I like is that you didn't have to get online at a certain time.  My son could do this in the evening, morning or anytime he was able to and do as many lessons as he wanted to.  This is a big bonus for us.  I love programs that let my children learn at their own pace.  They also offer mobile apps!  How cool is that?  For homeschoolers, having a mobile app is a big plus when you are on the go!

This course is very thorough and I am confident that if my son ever gets the opportunity to travel, he will be able to communicate very well with having this curriculum / program under his belt.   

My last thing I'd like to mention is that there are other foreign language programs out there.  They are also more expensive!  With Mango Languages, you stick to your budget and also have access to help at any time.  Whether it is a downloading problem or just a plain question about the curriculum, they are there to help via phone or email.  They have excellent communication.

To Sum It Up -

Mango Languages doesn't just teach you the basics such as grandparents, siblings, cousins, please, thank you, etc.  It teaches much more than that.  Think about the things you will need to communicate when traveling.  You will need to order food, ask directions, make reservations, etc.  This program will take you through all these necessary steps and more. 

Disclaimer:  I received this product for free in return for my honest review.  All the information given is my opinion and from my experience with using the product(s).  I was not paid for this review.

1 comment:

  1. My name is Mike Teshuba. I'm one of the co-founders of Mango Languages.

    Thank you for taking the time to write about our program.

    I would love to have a conversation with you sometime to see how we can serve you better.

    Feel free to contact me by email at

    Or by calling 1-855-466-2646 and asking for me.

    Also we have a new version of our program for homeschoolers where you can not only use our language learning program, but also engage with others in a homeschooling community.
