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Monday, January 7, 2013

Incorporate home winter projects into your homeschool!

This time of year some get burned out a bit with homeschooling. Eventhough most of us were just off for Christmas break, we just can't get into the groove of things.  Need to spice up your homeschool a bit?

Winter is a great time to do some home projects since most of us are cooped up inside for a while.

Here are some ideas for projects:


Have a paint day of homeschooling in the kids rooms!  You can find some cool colors in the 'oops' paint at your local Lowe's or Walmart.  You can always just paint 1 wall.  Hey, how about painting a few stripes or circles on the walls?  You can always leave one wall for the kids to just have fun!  They can make hand prints, draw their name, draw pictures, etc.  Chalkboard paint is amazing and so much fun! 

Are you renting?  No problem, did you know you can paint wall paper?  Hang some inexpensive wallpaper with thumb tacks and paint on it!


Ask your children to help organize.  They may have some interesting ideas that you may not have thought of!  Be creative.  A soup can disguised as a pencil holder or a dish drainer for your books, pencils, etc. can be great organization tools!


First, pick a room and grab a trash bag.  ;0)  No, really....get a trash bag.  Think about what you use on a weekly basis.  I have a hard time getting rid of stuff.  I get it from my grandmother :).  So I have a rule: if I haven't used in the past 12 months, it's goes!  For example, in the kitchen, do you need 4 sets of dishes?  No.  Do you need 5 soup ladles?  No.  Do you need 3 coffee pots?  No.  Do you need 20 coffee mugs when you are the only one who drinks coffee?  No.  It's always good to have spare things, like dishes.  But keep the spares in a china cabinet, buffet, cedar chest, or just pack it away in storage.  Why do they need to be taking up cabinet space everyday?  Do you need 5 pie pans?  Well, do you ever bake 5 pies at a time?  If yes, than keep them.  If it's a no, get rid of a few.  The kids can help pack away and sort.  Have a trash bag for trash, a box for donation/give away and a second box for yard sale.

You will be amazed how much space you'll have!  Everything has it's own space.  "A place for everything and everything in it's place."

I highly recommend everyone to watch the tv show "Hoarders"!  My husband and I watch a few episodes every now and then and it helps us.....really.  This is funny, and true!  Everytime we finish watching an episode, we get up, grab a trash bag and start pitching stuff!  LOL!  It helps us stay organized and not become overwhelmed with STUFF.

If you live in a warmer climate.....


Have your children always wanted a tree house?  How about making a fort above a tool shed?  We did this once.  My husband had all his lawn and tool equipment in the shed and placed a ladder on the side for the boys to climb up into a fort they built above the shed!  We cut holes out of the walls for windows!  Let the kids design, cut wood, nail planks, paint, etc.  Great learning experience!


Kids need things to do so they stay out of trouble so put the kids to work!  The good kind of work!  Make sure everyone knows what task they are to do.  And remember to make it fun!  Put on some loud music and dance while working!  Why not incorporate Physical Education with it?  ;)

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