Here are 3 good points while answering this question:
#1 ~
Society portrays the majority of homeschoolers to be unorganized, uneducated and unsocialized. They really couldn't be more wrong. Well, for me, maybe the unorganized is true, lol but definitely not the other two. Our children learn what is needed for life and they learn the way they desire. We make homeschooling fun, challenging and adventurous! On the socialized part, good grief..... I am more busy with homeschooling sports, hobbies and activities than I ever was when they were in private school! Homeschoolers also tend to be more social / talkative with all ages groups, not just children of their own age. Think about this. A child is sent to a public school where he sits in a room with 25-35 other students and is not allowed to talk. He/she can only socialize during recess and lunch and then ONLY with their age group. Public school children are very intimidated by the teachers, adults, etc. which really is due to the fact they cannot be disciplined so I'd guess they'd have to be right? Now some children are just shy, but homeschoolers tend to be very talkative, helpful with siblings and very instructive. So I'm not sure what kind of homeschool 'society' is referring to.
#2 ~
So lets ask ourselves, "Who is qualified to teach MY children"? We, as parents, teach our toddlers how to walk, talk, eat with utensils, bath, use the bathroom, play, show emotion, etc. We even teach them discipline and consequences early on right?
So why not teach them academics too? I do not have a college degree nor did I have a 4.0 gpa in high school. I honestly hated high school and couldn't wait to get out into the real world. I wasn't ever interested into going to college either. I went from high school to a retail job. I learned how to live on my own, take care of myself and I now have a wonderful husband, three children and we live a good Christian life. Things weren't (and still aren't) easy at times, but I learn(ed) from my mistakes and heck, I made it this far. ;) (Don't get me wrong, I'm not discouraging college at all. It is great for some, just wasn't for me.) Point being, you don't have to earn a masters degree to master teaching your are already doing it!
#3. ~
What does God say about teaching our children?
Let's take a look at his word.
Proverbs 22:6 says,
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." - KJV
Proverbs 29:17 says,
"Correct thy son, and he shall give thee rest; yea, he shall give delight unto thy soul." - KJV
Deuteronomy 11:19 says,
"And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up." - KJV
There are several scriptures on God telling us to teach our children whether it is values, morals, academics, scriptures, etc. I don't personally believe that he is telling us NOT send our children to public school, but he does make it clear that it is our responsibility to 'teach' them.
For me, God spoke to me and told me to homeschool. I obeyed. It hasn't always been a cake walk, but it has been a blessing for not just the kids, but me as well. Children grow up so fast and before you know it, they are teenage monsters! Hee,hee, just kiddin'. But they do grow up fast!
#4. ~
What could you possibly mess up? Really, think about it. God gave you such a wonderful responsibility as well as a blessing in your life....your children. He wouldn't have blessed you with the gift of motherhood without giving you the tools to help you. His tool is his word, the Bible. It will guide you through every step of the me, I know.
I won't get into my whole story (I've shared before) but God told me years ago to homeschool. I did. And my ex husband dragged me through court for years because of it! The judge was NOT on my side, the lawyers were NOT educated about homeschooling, and I was weakened to being almost physically ill.
I went to the Lord (at the altar in church) one morning and cried out to him. I said, "Lord, you told me to do this so you have to work it out. I cannot fight anymore physically, emotionally and financially. I'm done. If you want me to continue, than you will have to work it out. I give it all to you". Honestly, I did give the burden to him. I laid it upon his feet and trusted him no matter what would happen.
Two days later, the phone rang. My ex husband dropped all charges and I was allowed to homeschool! And that same ex husband tells me today (years later) that I am doing a great job on our sons education!
God is good! I knew God had heard me that day. I will never take homeschooling for granted. Because of him, I have this wonderful gift of not just 'mothering', but 'teaching' my children, which I had all along.
So God doesn't give you more than you can handle. If God has spoke to you and requested you homeschool, than I suggest you do it. If you were not called by God to homeschool, but you are interested, I suggest you pray. He will guide you. He loves you more than anything and wants the best for you.
Proverbs 2:6 says,
"For the Lord giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding."
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