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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Don't fear teaching high school!

Teaching high school can be a bit overwhelming at first.  With all the credits you have to give, transcripts to create, and preparations for college.  Well, don't fear the unknown.

The Homescholar and HSLDA have several helps!  They can guide you on your journey without sweatin' the small stuff so to speak.  Both of their websites are listed here.



 I found out some interesting things about high school.  Here is a quick list of FAQ that I had as a high school homeschool parent.

Q:  What is a high school transcript?
A:  It is a explanation of what classes the student has completed

Q:  What is the transcript for?
A:  For college, a job or for the student to have proof of his/her studies.

Q:  How many hours is one full credit?
A:  Approx: 120 hours of a high school course.

Q:  What if we don't complete the course?  Does the student still get credit?
A:  Yes, as long as the student has finished 75% of the text / course and 120 hours.

Q:  What if the student finished the course / text in less than 120 hours?
A:  As long as the student has completed it and the curriculum states that it is equal to one full credit upon completion, the student gets credit.  For example, Apologia, Teaching Textbooks and aBeka all offer high school courses.  These all are reputable companies and their high school courses are equal to one full credit upon completion.

Q:  What about free read?  My child loves to read, but books of his/her choice.
A:   Create a class!  A Literature class.  As long as the student has read 120 hours worth, why not count it?  Have the child blog a review on the book, or do a book report on it as well.

Q:  How do I keep a transcript?
A:  There are several free helps online that have sample transcripts for you to print out and use.  You can also create your own.  I personally use the one from the website:

This is my 9'th year homeschooling and everyday I learn more and more about homeschooling.  I have a 13yr old who is doing 10'th grade work and a Dyslexic 9yr old doing both 4'th and 5'th grade work.   I may not be the expert but I can tell my homeschooling stories and help others ;)

God Bless & Happy Homeschooling through High School!

Disclaimer: As a current homeschooler of both high school and elementary grade children, all opinions and experiences are mine.  Every child and every family is different so please keep that in mind.  For homeschool laws in your state please check with HSLDA before considering starting your homeschool and / or changes.


  1. What a great post! Thanks so much for sharing! My oldest started 8th grade this year. So while I don't technically have a high schooler, I want to make sure I'm ready to begin this journey next year. I have found some great resources and encouragement in blogs like yours (I found you by Googling "high school homeschool"), and on sites like HSLDA has always been a great site for me to reference as well.

    I have bookmarked this post so I can reference it later! Thanks again for sharing! :)


  2. So glad you found it helpful! Thank you for posting!
