I was sent "The Hobbit" Study Guide
'The Hobbit Study' Guide
Instant Download (pdf) $18.99
Printed Booklet $21.99
CD $18.99
Note: This price is the study guide only. The book will need to be purchased separate or borrowed from your local library.
Recommended for middle & high schoolers.
Here are a few things also needed for this guide:
A good dictionary, a thesaurus, a Bible (NIV is what is used in the guide, but you can alter), and sometimes a topical Bible / concordance.
What Is This? -
This is the study guide for the book "The Hobbit" by: J.R.R. Tolkien. I received the instant download version of this guide.
The download comes with 3 files:
* the guide itself
* the answer key
* the Read Me pages
Before you begin, you'll need to read the Read Me file because this guide offers (included in the download purchase above) an Interactive Study Guide. The student has the choice of doing the study guide on paper or typing in the answers directly into the computer file online. They do not grade them though, this you will have to do. But all the directions are in this Read Me section if you plan to do so.
In the guide itself, there is a note to the instructor that tells how to use the guide step by step. There is also a Synopsis of the story and also information about the author, J.R.R. Tolkien. It also contains questions for the chapters that build critical thinking and comprehension skills. There are Bible verses to look up in each chapter review section.
The chapter reviews consists vocabulary sections, characterization sections, chapter questions and extra activities. They mix it up a bit and have different styles of vocabulary assignments.
For example, chapters 1-3 worksheets have the vocabulary in multiple choice style.
But in chapters 4-6, they are printed as fill in the blank style by picking a word out of the 'word box'.
The Biblical portions have scriptures to look up and then questions to answer. The questions are not typically 'yes' or 'no' type answers. The student must use critical thinking to answer some of these.
The answer key is simply written. Here is an example:
This guide states that it takes eight to ten weeks
to complete, generally working on one section per week.
When finished, this study guide is worth 1/4 of a high school credit.
How I Used the Guide -
I had my high school son use this guide. We borrowed the book from our local library. I printed off a few lessons from the guide at a time for him and placed them in a file folder with fasteners.
He used this program daily. Since the study guide had the chapters review listed as chapters 1-3, then chapters 4-6, etc., he read the first three chapters over a few days, then picked up the guide and finished the work inside for those chapters inside and so on. In the note to instructor it states the guide works best when the student reads the entire book first, then go to the guide. We chose to do it a bit different.
What I Thought -
I was impressed with how thorough Progeny Press created the study guide. We have used other study guides in the past but Progeny Press seem to put the extra effort into the critical thinking part. I liked how they changed the form of the vocabulary sections (like mentioned above). We like variety.
My son, who is an avid reader, seemed to like it. Like many teenage boys, he isn't fond of writing. This guide forced him to write lengthy answers down, not just 'yes' or 'no'. Mom liked that; he managed. :)
I really liked that the course / study guide was equivalent to 1/4 of a high school credit. This would be great to have my son pick out 4 of these study guides to do for one full Literature credit next year since he loves to read.
Overall, I was pleased with the product. I would highly recommend this study guide over all the ones I have come across in my 9 years of homeschooling.
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