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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

2014-2015 Curriculum Choices

I post my curriculum list every year to share with others who are still searching.  I hope this gives you some ideas and new choices.  

Drum roll please ........................................

Here are my 2014-2015 curriculum choices:

For B (6'th grade)

Math - Math U See - Pre-Algebra (7'th grade math)

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English & Reading - aBeka - Language C

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& EPS - Explode The Code

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Science - Apologia - Exploring Creation with Astronomy

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Writing - IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing) - Student Writing Intensive

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History - Notgrass - America the Beautiful

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 For D (12'th grade)

Math - MUS - Pre-Calculus

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English - EIW (Essentials in Writing) - Essays & Research Papers

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Science - Apologia - Exploring Creation with Chemistry

(Note:  He has already taken the following: Biology, Marine Biology & Integrated Physics & Chemistry.)

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History - Notgrass - Exploring Government 

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& Understanding the Constitution / online from Hillsdale College

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And finally..... some mission work (which God hasn't lead us to what kind and where yet), and both boys will be playing soccer and basketball.

  **Keep in mind, I buy a lot of my things on ebay as well as other homeschooling moms.  Also, Christian Book has a entire homeschool section!